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147, Levenstein, M. A., Wayment, L., Scott, C. D., Lunt, R., Flandrin, P. B., Day, S. J., Tang, C. C., Wilson, C. C., Meldrum, F. C., Kapur, N., Robertson, K. (2020) Anal. Chem. "Dynamic Crystallization Pathways of Polymorphic Pharmaceuticals Revealed in Segmented Flow with Inline Powder X-ray Diffraction". DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00860

146, Levenstein, M. A., Anduix-Canto, C., Kim Y-Y., Holden, M. A., Gonzàlez Niño, C., Green, D. C., Foster, S. E., Kulak, A. N., Govada, L., Chayen, N. E., Day, S. J., Tang, C. C., Weinhausen, B., Burghammer, M., Kapur, N., Meldrum, F. C. (2019) Adv. Funct. Mater. "Droplet Microfluidics XRD Identifies Effective Nucleating Agents for Calcium Carbonate." DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201808172

145, Holden M. A., Whale T. F., Tarn M. D., O'Sullivan D., Walshaw R. D., Murray B. J., Meldrum F. C., Christenson H. K. (2019) Sci. Adv. "High-speed imaging of ice nucleation in water proves the existence of active sites." DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav4316

144, Green D. C., Holden M. A., Levenstein M. A., Zhang S., Johnson B. R. G., de Pablo J. G., Ward A., Botchway S. W., Meldrum F. C. (2019) Nat. Commun. "Controlling the fluorescence and room-temperature phosphorescence behaviour of carbon nanodots with inorganic crystalline nanocomposites." DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-08214-6

143, Ihli J., Clark J. N., Kanwal N., Kim Y-Y., Holden M. A., Harder R. J., Tang C. C., Ashbrook S. E., Robinson I. K., Meldrum F. C. (2018) Chem. Sci. "Visualization of the Effect of Additives on the Nanostructures of Individual Bio-Inspired Calcite Crystals." DOI: 10.1039/C8SC03733G

142, Kim Y-Y., Fielding L. A., Kulak A. N., Nahi O., Mercer W., Jones E. R., Armes S. P., Meldrum F. C. (2018) Chem. Mater. "Influence of the Structure of Block Copolymer Nanoparticles on the Growth of Calcium Carbonate." DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b02912

141, Ning Y., Whitaker D. J., Mable C. J., Derry M. J., Penfold N. J. W., Kulak A. N., Green D. C., Meldrum F. C., Armes S. P. (2018) Chem. Sci. "Anionic block copolymer vesicles act as Trojan horses to enable efficient occlusion of guest species into host calcite crystals." DOI: 10.1039/C8SC03623C

140, Zeng M., Kim Y-Y., Anduix-Canto C., Frontera C., Laundy D., Kapur N., Christenson H. K., Meldrum F. C. (2018) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. "Confinement generates single-crystal aragonite rods at room temperature." DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1718926115

139, Marzec B., Green D. C., Holden M. A., Coté A. S., Ihli J., Khalid S., Kulak A., Walker D., Tang C., Duffy D. M., Kim Y-Y., Meldrum F. C. (2018) Angew. Chem. "Amino Acid-Assisted Incorporation of Dye Molecules within Calcite Crystals." DOI: 10.1002/anie.201804365

138, Bawazer L. A., Ihli J., Levenstein M. A., Jeuken L. J. C., Meldrum F. C., McMillan D. G. G. (2018) J. Mater. Chem. B "Enzymatically-Controlled Biomimetic Synthesis of Titania/Protein Hybrid Thin films." DOI: 10.1039/C8TB00381E

137, Wang Y., Zeng M., Meldrum F. C., Christenson H. K. (2017) Cryst. Growth Des. "Using Confinement To Study the Crystallization Pathway of Calcium Carbonate" DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b01359

136, Whale T. F., Holden M. A., Kulak A. N., Kim Y-Y., Meldrum F. C., Christenson H. K., Murray B. J. (2017) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. "The role of phase separation and related topography in the exceptional ice-nucleating ability of alkali feldspars" DOI: 10.1039/C7CP04898J

135, Kim Y-Y., Freeman C. L., Gong X., Levenstein M. A., Wang Y., Kulak A. N., Anduix-Canto C., Lee P. A., Li S., Chen L., Christenson H. K., Meldrum F. C. (2017) Angew. Chem. "The Effect of Additives on the Early Stages of Growth of Calcite Single Crystals" DOI: 10.1002/ange.201706800

134, Adamiano A., Sangiorgi N., Sprio S., Ruffini A., Sandri M., Sanson A., Gras P., Grossin D., Francès C., Chatzipanagis K., Bilton M., Marzec B., Varesano A., Meldrum F. C., Kröger R., Tampieri A. (2017) J. Mat. Chem. B "Biomineralization of a titanium-modified hydroxyapatite semiconductor on conductive wool fibers" DOI: 10.1039/C7TB00211D

133, Li S., Zeng M., Gaule T., McPherson M. J., Meldrum F. C. (2017) Small "Passive Picoinjection Enables Controlled Crystallization in a Droplet Microfluidic Device" DOI: 10.1002/smll.201702154

132, Li S., Ihli J., Marchant W. J., Zeng M., Chen L., Wehbe K., Cinque G., Cespedes O., Kapur N., Meldrum F. C. (2017) Lab Chip "Synchrotron FTIR mapping of mineralization in a microfluidic device" DOI: 10.1039/C6LC01393G

131, Schenk A. S., Eiben S., Goll M., Reith L., Kulak A. N., Meldrum F. C., Jeske H., Wege C., Ludwigs S. (2017) Nanoscale "Virus-directed formation of electrocatalytically active nanoparticle-based Co3O4 tubes" DOI: 10.1039/c7nr00508c

130, Asenath-Smith E., Noble J. M., Hovden R., Uhl A. M., DiCorato A., Kim Y-Y., Kulak A. N., Meldrum F. C., Kourkoutis L. F., Estroff L. A. (2017) Chem. Mater. "Physical Confinement Promoting Formation of Cu2O-Au Heterostructures with Au Nanoparticles Entrapped within Crystalline Cu2O Nanorods" DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b03653

129, Lenders J. J. M., Bawazer L. A., Green D. C., Zope H. R., Bomans P. H. H., de With G., Kros A., Meldrum F. C., Sommerdijk N. A. J. M. (2017) Adv. Funct. Mater. "Combinatorial Evolution of Biomimetic Magnetite Nanoparticles" DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201604863

128, Campbell J. M., Meldrum F. C., Christenson H. K. (2017) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. "Observing the formation of ice and organic crystals in active sites" DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1617717114

127, Green D. C., Ihli J., Thornton P. D., Holden M. A., Marzec B., Kim Y-Y., Kulak A. N., Levenstein M. A., Tang C., Lynch C., Webb S. E. D., Tynan C. J., Meldrum F. C. (2016) Nat. Comm. "3D visualization of additive occlusion and tunable full-spectrum fluorescence in calcite" DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13524

126, Kulak A. N., Grimes R., Kim Y-Y., Semsarilar M., Anduix-Canto C., Cespedes O., Armes S. P., Meldrum F. C. (2016) Chem. Mater. "Polymer-Directed Assembly of Single Crystal Zinc Oxide/Magnetite Nanocomposites under Atmospheric and Hydrothermal Conditions" DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b03563

125, DiCorato A. E., Asenath-Smith E., Kulak A. N., Meldrum F. C., Estroff L. A. (2016) Cryst. Growth Des. "Cooperative Effects of Confinement and Surface Functionalization Enable the Formation of Au/Cu2O Metal–Semiconductor Heterostructures" DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00913

124, Levenstein M. A., Bawazer L. A., McNally C. S., Marchant W. J., Gong X., Meldrum F. C., Kapur N. (2016) Microfluid. Nanofluid. "A reproducible approach to the assembly of microcapillaries for double emulsion production" DOI: 10.1007/s10404-016-1806-2

123, Kim Y-Y., Carloni J. D., Demarchi B., Sparks D., Reid D. G., Kunitake M. E., Tang C. C., Duer M. J., Freeman C. L., Pokroy B., Penkman K., Harding J. H., Estroff L. A., Baker S. P., Meldrum F. C. (2016) Nature Mater. "Tuning hardness in calcite by incorporation of amino acids" DOI: 10.1038/nmat4631

122, Bawazer L. A., McNally C. S., Empson C. J., Marchant W. J., Comyn T. P., Niu X., Cho S., McPherson M. J., Binks B. P., deMello A., Meldrum F. C. (2016) Science Advances "Combinatorial microfluidic droplet engineering for biomimetic material synthesis" DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600567

121, Anduix-Canto C., Kim Y-Y., Wang Y., Kulak A.N., Meldrum F.C., Christenson H.K. (2016) Cryst. Growth Design "Effect of Nanoscale Confinement on the Crystallization of Potassium Ferrocyanide" DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00894

120, Ning Y., Fielding L. A., Ratcliffe L. P. D., Wang Y-W, Meldrum F. C., Armes S. P. (2016) J. Am. Chem. Soc. "Occlusion of Sulfate-Based Diblock Copolymer Nanoparticles within Calcite: Effect of Varying the Surface Density of Anionic Stabilizer Chains" DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b05563

119, Green D.C., Ihli J., Kim Y-Y., Chong S.Y., Lee P.A., Empson C.J., Meldrum F.C (2016) Cryst. Growth Design "Rapid Screening of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in the Presence of Amino Acids: Kinetics, Structure, and Composition", DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00741

118, Li S., Gong X., Mc Nally C. S., Zeng M., Gaule T., Anduix-Canto C., Kulak A.N., Bawazer L.A., McPherson M.J., Meldrum F.C., (2016) RSC Advances, "Rapid preparation of highly reliable PDMS double emulsion microfluidic devices", DOI: 10.1039/C6RA03225G

117, Ihli J., Clark J. N., Côté A. S., Kim Y-Y., Schenk A. S., Kulak A. N., Comyn T. P., Chammas O., Harder R. J., Duffy D. M., Robinson I. K., Meldrum F. C. (2016) Nat. Comm., "Strain-relief by single dislocation loops in calcite crystals grown on self-assembled monolayers", DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11878

116, Kim Y-Y., Semsarilar M., Carloni J. D., Cho K. R., Kulak A. N., Polishchuk I., Hendley C. T., Smeets P. J. M., Fielding L. A., Pokroy B., Tang C. C., Estroff L. A., Baker S. P., Armes S. P. and Meldrum F. C. (2016) Adv. Funct. Mater. "Structure and Properties of Nanocomposites Formed by the Occlusion of Block Copolymer Worms and Vesicles within Calcite Crystals" DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201504292

115, Hanisch A., Yang P., Kulak A. N., Fielding L. A., Meldrum F. C. and Armes S. P. (2016) Macromolecules, "Phosphonic Acid-Functionalized Diblock Copolymer Nano-Objects via Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly: Synthesis, Characterization, and Occlusion into Calcite Crystals", DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02212

114, Cho K. R., Kim Y-Y, Yang P., Cai W., Pan H., Kulak A. N., Lau J. L, Kulshreshtha P., Armes S. P., Meldrum F. C. and De Yoreo J. J. (2016) Nat. Comm., "Direct observation of mineral-organic composite formation reveals occlusion mechanism", DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10187

113, Gong X., Wang Y-W., Ihli J., Kim Y-Y., Li S., Walshaw R., Chen L. and Meldrum F. C. (2015) Adv. Mater., "The Crystal Hotel: A Microfluidic Approach to Biomimetic Crystallization", DOI: 10.1002/adma.201503931

112, De Yoreo J. J., Gilbert P. U. P. A., Sommerdijk N. A. J. M., Penn R. L., Whitelam S., Joester D., Zhang H., Rimer J. D., Navrotsky A., Banfield J. F., Wallace A. F., Michel F. M., Medrum F. C., Cölfen H. and Dove P. M. (2015) Science, "Crystallization by particle attachment in synthetic, biogenic, and geologic environments", DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa6760

111, Clark J. N., Ihli J., Schenk A. S., Kim Y-Y., Kulak A. N., Campbell J. M., Nisbet G., Meldrum F. C. and Robinson I. K. (2015) Nat. Mater., "Three-dimensional imaging of dislocation propagation during crystal growth and dissolution", DOI: 10.1038/nmat4320

110, Ihli J., Wang Y., Cantaert B., Kim Y-Y., Green D. C., Bomans P. H. H., Sommerdijk N. A. J. M. and Meldrum F. C. (2015) Chem. Mater., "Precipitation of Amorphous Calcium Oxalate in Aqueous Solution", DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01642


109, He Q., Pan L., Wang Y. and Meldrum F. C. (2015) Cryst. Growth Des., “Bioinspired Synthesis of Large-Pore, Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystals for the Controlled Release of Large Pharmaceutics”, 15(2), 723 - 731 DOI: 10.1021/cg501515c

108, Campbell J. M., Meldrum F. C. and Christenson H. K. (2015) J. Phys. Chem. C “Is Ice Nucleation from Supercooled Water Insensitive to Surface Roughness?”, 119(2), 1164-1169 DOI: 10.1021/jp5113729

107, Bawazer L. A., Ihli J., Critchley K., Empson C. J. and Meldrum F. C. (2015) Adv. Mater. “Genetic Algorithm-Guided Discovery of Additive Combinations that Direct Quantum Dot Assembly”, 27(2), 223-227 DOI: 10.1002/adma.201403185

106, DeVol R. T., Metzler R. A., Kabalah-Amitai L., Pokroy B., Politi Y., Gal A., Addadi L., Weiner S.,Fernandez-Martinez A., Demichelis R., Gale J. D., Ihli J., Meldrum F. C., Blonsky A. Z., Killian C. E., Salling C. B., Young A. T., Marcus M. A., Scholl A., Doran A., Jenkins C., Bechtel H. A. and Gilbert P. U. P. A. (2014) J. Phys. Chem. B “Oxygen Spectroscopy and Polarization-Dependent Imaging Contrast (PIC)-Mapping of Calcium Carbonate Minerals and Biominerals” 118(28), 8449 – 8457 DOI: 10.1021/jp503700g

105, Wang Y., Christenson H. K. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Chem. Mater.“Confinement Increases the Lifetimes of Hydroxyapatite Precursors” 26(20), 5830 – 5838 DOI: 10.1021/cm501770r

104, Schenk A. S, Albarracin E., Kim Y-Y., Ihli J. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Chem. Commun“Confinement Stabilised Single Crystal Vaterite Rods” 50(36), 4729 – 4732 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC01093K

103, Schenk A. S., Cantaert B., Kim Y.Y, Li Y., Read E. S., Semsarilar M., Armes S. P. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Chem. Mater. “Systematic Study of the Effects of Polyamines on Calcium Carbonate Precipitation”, 26(8), 2703–2711 DOI: 10.1021/cm500523w

102, Bawazer L. A, Newman A. M., Gu Q, Ibish A., Arcila M., Cooper J. B, Meldrum F. C. and Morse D. E. (2014) ACS Nano “Efficient Selection of Biomineralizing DNA Aptamers Using Deep Sequencing and Population Clustering”, 8(1), 387–395 DOI: 10.1021/nn404448s

101, Verch A., Côté A. S., Darkins R., Kim Y-Y, van de Locht R., Meldrum F.C, Duffy D. and Kröger R. (2014) Small, “Correlation between Anisotropy and Lattice Distortions in Single Crystal Calcite Nanowires Grown in Confinement”, 10(13), 2697–2702 DOI: 10.1002/smll.201303839

100, Kim Y-Y., Schenk A. S., Ihli J., Kulak A. N., Hetherington N. B. J., Tang C. C., Schmahl W. W., Griesshaber E., Hyett G. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Nature Commun. “A Critical Analysis of Calcium Carbonate Mesocrystals", 5, 4341 DOI:10.1038/ncomms5341

99, Ihli J., Wong W-C, Noel E. H., Kim Y-Y, Kulak A. N., Christenson H. K., Duer M. J., Meldrum F. C. (2014) Nature Commun. “Dehydration and Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate in Solution and in Air”, 5, 3169 DOI:10.1038/ncomms4169

98, Kulak A. N., Semsarilar M., Kim Y-Y, Ihli J., Fielding L. A., Cespedes O., Armes S. P. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Chem. Sci. “One-Pot Synthesis of an Inorganic Heterostructure: Uniform Occlusion of Magnetite Nanoparticles within Calcite Single Crystals”, 5(2), 738 - 743 DOI: 10.1039/C3SC52615A

97, Kim Y-Y, Schenk A. S., Walsh D., Kulak A. N., Cespedes O. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Nanoscale, “Bio-inspired formation of functional calcite/ metal oxide nanoparticle composites”, 6(2), 852 - 859 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR05081E

96, Kulak A. N., Yang P., Kim Y-Y, Armes, S. P. and Meldrum F. C. (2014) Chem. Commun. “Colouring Crystals with Inorganic Nanoparticles”, 50(1), 67-69 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC47904H

95, Cantaert B., Verch A., Kim Y-Y, Ludwig H., Paunov V. N., Kroger R. Meldrum F. C. (2013), Chem. Mater. “Formation and Structure of Calcium Carbonate Thin Films and Nanofibers Precipitated in the Presence of Poly(Allylamine Hydrochloride) and Magnesium Ions”, 25(24), 4994–5003 DOI: 10.1021/cm403497g

94, Cantaert B., Beniash E., Meldrum F.C. (2013) J. Mater. Chem. B. “The Role of Poly(Aspartic Acid) in the Precipitation of Calcium Phosphate in Confinement” 1(48), 6586-6595 DOI: 10.1039/C3TB21296C

93, Cantaert B., Beniash E., Meldrum F.C. (2013) Chem Eur J. “Nanoscale Confinement Controls the Crystallization of Calcium Phosphate: Relevance to Bone Formation” 19(44), 14918–14924 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201302835

92, Wang Y-W, Christenson H. K., Meldrum F. C. (2013) Adv. Func. Mater. “Confinement Leads to Control over Calcium Sulfate Polymorph” 23(45), 5615–5623 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201300861

91, Campbell J. M., Meldrum F. C., Christenson H. K. (2013) Cryst. Growth Des. “Characterisation of preferred crystal nucleation sites on mica surfaces” 13(5) 1915-1925 DOI: 10.1021/cg301715n

90, Ihli J., Kulak A. N. and Meldrum F. C. (2013) Chem. Commun. “Freeze-Drying Yields Stable and Pure Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC)” 49 (30), 3134-3136 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC40807H

89, Noel E.N., Kim Y-Y, Charnock J. and Meldrum F.C. (2013) CrystEngComm “Solid State Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles Leads to Polymorph Selectivity" 15(4), 697-705 DOI: 10.1039/C2CE26529J

88, Ihli J., Bots P., Kulak A.N., Benning L.G., Meldrum F.C. (2013) Adv. Func. Mater. "Elucidating Mechanisms of Diffusion-Based Calcium Carbonate Synthesis Leads to Controlled Mesocrystal Formation" 23(15), 1965-1973 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201201742

87, Kim Y-Y, Williams D., Meldrum F. C., Walsh D. (2013) Small "Simple photosystem II water oxidation centre analogues in visible light oxygen and H+ generation" 9(1), 61-66 DOI:10.1002/smll.201201451

86, Ihli J., Kim Y-Y., Noel E.H., Meldrum F.C. (2013) Adv. Func. Mater. "The Effect of Additives on Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Janus Behavior in Solution and the Solid State" 23(12), 1575-1585 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201201805

85, Wang Y-W. and Meldrum F.C. (2012) J. Mater. Chem. “Additives Stabilize Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate (Bassanite) in Solution” 22(41), 22055-22062 DOI: 1039/C2JM34087A.

84, Schenk A.S., Zope H., Kim Y-Y., Kros A., Sommerdijk N.A.J.M., Meldrum F.C. (2012), Faraday Discussions "Polymer-Induced Liquid Precursor (PILP) Phases of Calcium Carbonate Formed in the Presence of Synthetic Acidic Polypeptides – Relevance to Biomineralization" 159, 327-344 doi: 10.1039/C2FD20063E Abstract

83, Kovacs T., Meldrum F.C., Christenson H.K. (2012) J. Phys. Chem. Lett. "Crystal Nucleation without Supersaturation" 3(12), 1602–1606.DOI: 10.1039/C2JM34087A. Abstract

82, Yashina A., Meldrum F.C., deMello A. (2012) “Calcium Carbonate Polymorph Control using Droplet-Based Microfluidics”, Biomicrofluidics, 6(2), 022001. DOI: 10.1063/1.3683162.

81, Seto J., Ma Y.R., Davis S., Meldrum F. C., Kim Y-Y., Schilde U., Sztucki M., Gourrier A., Maltsev S., Jäger C., and Cölfen H. (2012) P.N.A.S, "Structure-property relationships of a biological mesocrystal in the adult sea urchin spine" 109(10), 3699-3704, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1109243109.

80, Cantaert B., Kim Y-Y., Ludwig H., Nudelman F., Sommerdijk N.A.J.M., Meldrum F.C. (2012) Adv. Func. Mater "Think Positive: Phase Separation Enables a Positively Charged Additive to Induce Dramatic Changes in Calcium Carbonate Morphology" 22(5), 907-9015, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201102385. Abstract

79, Wang Y.W., Kim Y-Y., Stephens C.J., Meldrum F.C., Christenson H.K. (2012) Crys. Growth Des. "In Situ Study of the Precipitation and Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC)" 12(3), 1212-1217, DOI: 10.1021/cg201204s. Abstract

78, Schenk A.S., Kim Y-Y., Kulak A.N., Meldrum F.C. (2012) Chem Geol "Impurities in pluronic triblock copolymers can induce the formation of calcite mesocrystals" 294, 259-262, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.12.007. Abstract

77, Holbrough J.L., Campbell J.M., Meldrum F.C., Christenson H.K. (2012) Crys. Growth Des. "Topographical Control of Crystal Nucleation" 12(2), 750-755, DOI: 10.1021/cg201084j. Abstract

76, Lenders J.J.M., Dey A., Bomans P.H.H., Spielmann J., Hendrix M.M.R.M., de With G., Meldrum F.C., Harder S., Sommerdijk N.A.J.M. (2012) J. Am. Chem. Soc "High-Magnesian Calcite Mesocrystals: A Coordination Chemistry Approach" 134(2), 1367-1373, DOI: 10.1021/ja210791p. Abstract

75, McNally C.S., Turner D.P., KulaK A.N., Meldrum F.C., Hyett G. (2012) Chem. Commun "The use of cationic surfactants to control the structure of zinc oxide films prepared by chemical vapour deposition" 48(10), 1490-1492, DOI: 10.1039/C2CC14468A. Abstract

74, Kim Y-Y., Hetherington N. B. J., Noel E. H., Kröger R., Charnock J. M., Christenson H. K., Meldrum F. C. (2011) Angew Chem Int. Ed. "Capillarity Creates Single-Crystal Calcite Nanowires from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate" 50(52), 12572-12577, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201104407. Abstract

73, Wang Y-W, Kim Y-Y., Christenson H. K., Meldrum F. C. (2011) Chem. Commun. “A New Precipitation Pathway for Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) via Amorphous and Hemihydrate Intermediates” 48(4), 504-506, DOI: 10.1039/C1CC14210K. Abstract

72, Kim Y-Y., Ganesan K., Yang P., Kulak A.N., Borukhin S., Pechook S., Ribeiro L., Kröger R., Eichhorn S.J., Armes S.P., Pokroy B., Meldrum F.C (2011) Nature Mater. “Artificial Biominerals – Incorporation of Copolymer Micelles in Calcite Single Crystals” 10, 890-896. DOI: 10.1038/nmat3103 Abstract

71, Walsh, D., Kim, Y.Y., Miyamoto A, Meldrum F.C., (2011) Small “Synthesis of macroporous calcium carbonate/ magnetite nanocomposites and their application in photocatalytic water splitting” 7(15), 2168-2172. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201100268 Abstract

70, Kim Y-Y, Meldrum F. C. and Walsh D. (2011) Polymer Chem. “Biopolymer stabilized nanoparticles as co-catalysts for photocatalytic water oxidations” 2(6), 1375-1379. DOI: 10.1039/C1PY00037C Abstract

69, Stephens C. J., Kim Y-Y., Evans S. D., Meldrum, F. C., Christenson H. K. (2011) J. Am. Chem. Soc. “Early Stages of Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate Revealed in Picoliter Droplets” 133(14), 5210–5213. DOI: 10.1021/ja200309m Abstract

68, Neudeck C., Kim Y-Y., Ogasawara W., Shida Y., Meldrum F. C. and Walsh D. (2011) Small, “General Route to Functional Metal Oxide Nanosuspensions, Enzymatically Deshelled Nanoparticles and Their Application in Photocatalytic Water Splitting” 7(7), 869–873. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201002141 Abstract

67, Hetherington N.J.B, Kulak A. N., Kim Y-Y., Noel E.H., Snoswell D., Butler M. and Meldrum F.C. (2011) Adv. Func. Mater. "Porous Single Crystals of Calcite from Colloidal Crystal Templates: ACC is Not Required for Nanoscale Templating," 21(5), 948-954. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201001366 Abstract

66, Stephens C.J., Ladden S.F., Meldrum F.C., Christenson H.K. (2010) Adv. Func. Mater. “Amorphous Calcium Carbonate is Stabilised in Confinement” 20, 2108-2115. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201000248 Abstract

65, Kim, Y-Y., Ribeiro L., Maillot F., Ward O., Eichhorn, S. J., Meldrum F. C. (2010), Adv. Mater. “Bio-Inspired Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Calcite–Polymer Particle Composites” 22, 4082-4086. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200903743 Abstract

64, Stephens C.J., Mouhamad Y., Meldrum, F.C., Christenson, H.K. (2010) Crys. Growth Des. “Epitaxy of Calcite on Mica” 10(2), 734-738. DOI: 10.1021/cg901130a Abstract

63, Finnemore A.S., Scherer M. R. J., Langford R., Mahajan S., Ludwigs S., Meldrum F. C., Steiner U. (2009) Adv. Mater. "Nanostructured Calcite Single Crystals with Gyroid Morphologies" 21(38-39), 3928-3932.DOI: 10.1002/adma.200900615 Abstract

62, Kim Y-Y., Kulak A.N., Li Y., Batten T., Kuball M., Armes S.P. and Meldrum F.C. (2009) J. Mater. Chem. "Substrate-Directed Formation of Calcium Carbonate Fibres" 19, 387-398. DOI: 10.1039/b813101e Abstract

61, Meldrum F.C. and Sear R.P., (2008) Science, "Now You See Them", 322, 1802-1803. DOI: 10.1126/science.1167221 Abstract

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59, Roberts Z.E., Meldrum F.C and Pancost R.D. (2008) Org. Geochem. "The Archaeal Lipid Composition of Partially Lithified Cold Seep Mats" 39(8), 1000-1006. DOI: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2008.03.020 Abstract

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56, Meldrum F.C. (2007) “Bio-Casting: Biomineralized Skeletons as Templates for Macroporous Structures” in “Handbook of Biomineralization Vol. 2: Biomimetic And Bio-Inspired Materials Chemistry”Eds.: P. Behrens and E. Baeuerlein, Wiley VCH. DOI: 10.1002/9783527619443.ch39 Abstract

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42, Meldrum F.C. (2003), International Materials Reviews “Biomimetic Control of Calcification”, 48(3), 187-224. DOI: Abstract

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18, Meldrum F.C, Douglas T., Levi S., Arosio P., Mann S. (1995) J. Inorg. Biochem. "Reconstitution of Manganese Oxide Cores in Horse Spleen and Recombinant Ferritins" 58, 59-68. DOI: 10.1016/0162-0134(94)00037-B Abstract

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